Fulvia Greco, Marbella, Malaga city centre


Listed Properties

Fulvia Greco, Marbella, Malaga city centre

Office: +34 677785403

Mobile: 677785403

WhatsApp: +34 677785403

Fulvia is the founder and CEO of Vistamar Homes.

Born and raised in Italy in the city of Como, she then completed her studies in Ireland.
She is fluent in Italian, English and Spanish and specializes in finding specific properties to satisfy the wishes of each client. Using her experience in the local real estate market, she has been successfully working with clients who have been selling and buying properties since 2001.

Working in a culturally diverse place has required her to become highly adept at understanding the wishes of different nationalities when looking for their dream property. Its personalized approach allows customers to purchase new homes to use their time productively. This also benefits sellers as its pragmatic approach to businesses helps people achieve excellent results in a competitive market.

Based in Marbella, Fulvia keeps in touch with its native countries Italy and Ireland.

Healthy and refined cuisine, pilates and international travel keep her inspired in life.

My Listings

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